The Expansion Experience
This program is designed to meet you where you are and to support you to create your next level of Expansion.
You bring what is present for you and we will work with that throughout the experience together.
This can show up in your Business, Money, Relationships, Parenting, Health – because we are working with the root and at an energetic level – where you shift one thing you will see impacts in other areas as well.
Discover what you really want – without compromise (even where the compromise is actually hiding and you don’t see it)
During the 6 months we are working together, we will move through (in DEPTH) each of the following 5 Levels of Expansion…
1. Soul Desires – connecting to what you want NOW, and in each area of your life (it’s all connected)
2. Everyday Energy Tools – to work with what is up, and to peel back the layers to more truth
3. Discover Your Greatness – through a guided path of discovery
4. Soul Expansion – bring your gifts out into the world in a next level way through your work
5. Soul Truth – or Conscious Excellence – bring your gifts into each area of your life, and continue to develop the practices and shift the layers that present
Through every experience, we are working with the energies, the beliefs, that root of the situation that is presenting itself – so with each experience together you have created a shift, a new awareness, a new level of BEING.
Every other week we will meet by phone.
You will be invited to share space in a Private Facebook group, where we will continue our exploration, sharing, and evolving.
We will have deep dives into topics like accessing your Akashic Records to receive your own guidance, ........
You can choose to do the group components or you can choose to do that and add 6 private sessions – there are 2 investment options available.
What you can expect…
To create EXPANSION – in your business, money, relationships – in YOU.
Learn, develop, and integrate practical tools, energy tools, and daily practices that will invite more autonomy to your path. You can work your own stuff and create support practices as you walk your path of bringing your work into the world in a bigger way
Uncover truths about yourself and your gifts so you can stand in your business, your knowing, your power in a more confident, authentic way.
Open your intuition and be able to trust it and rely on it so it becomes your “go-to” resource for guidance – instead of looking externally for someone else who is an “expert” – or doubting yourself
Be more expansive in your actions, in your knowing, your BEING
Bring your work into the world in a bigger way
Create clarity for yourself about your work, your path, your truth, and your HOW
Experience more ease, joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment doing your work and being in the world aligned with your gifts
Increase your presence and impact through your business and your BEING
Own your greatness and allow it to continue to delight you through new discoveries and revelations